On May 6th, 2000, Lisa Jensen died without warning, apparently from an arrhythmia of the heart brought on by a congenitally slow pulse and flu symptoms she had been suffering from for about five days. It was later discovered that what she thought was a pulled muscle was pleurisy. She also had a touch of pneumonia in an upper lobe that hadn't been detected the day before she died.
I chatted to Lisa less than an hour before she died and she had had the strength to call out to me from the first floor lounge room to our second floor office. After that she must have slipped into unconsciousness, her brain receiving too little oxygen. These seem to be the facts of Lisa's passing.
The purpose of this Web site is threefold. First, as deeply as I loved Lisa, during our time together I didn't celebrate her as much as I could have, as much as she deserved. I suppose while we live our daily lives we all do this. Part of the reason for this tribute is to make some slight amends, to leave a place in the universe where Lisa is honoured for the amazing person she was.
Second, the reality of Lisa's life as an artist, social worker, psychotherapist, mum, daughter, sister, friend and wife focused on bringing people together. By creating this place and guestbook, perhaps people can share their grief, joy and what Lisa meant to them.
Third, the impact of Lisa's loss will touch our sons for the rest of their lives. They are doing so well, but will need to revisit this tragedy again and again to make some sense of it and who they are. Perhaps those of you who shared time with Lisa could post your memories to the guestbook. In this way, the boys will have a rich and full recounting of their loving mother.
Lisa left me with so many gifts, so much richness, that what's left for me to do is carry on with the life, love and dreams we shared. I draw strength from our sons and the overwhelming care and support I've received from friends and family.
That a vibrant wife, mother, daughter and friend even becomes a Web site is just too much to consider so I've had to let that thought go...
Thank you for visiting and appreciating Lisa Jensen.